There was a point in this year when reality released itself from how we perceive it. That alternate plain felt much like something we had seen before but far from deja-vu. This was something of our own creation somehow. It felt cinematic; were we in our own worst nightmare?? Contagion?? 12 Monkeys?? Son of Men?? These are potential endings we had to contemplate as the unthinkable was being mentioned - martial law and stay-at-home orders; there was no way to process it. But people were off the roads and the skies were as clear as the streets. Fast forward (in slow motion) to a few months later and it seemed a fiery Armageddon was upon us. The beloved PDX and Bay-Area were tinted red and night lasted most of the day as the sun rays were stopped before making it to us. Luckily for us our shooting guard was down to document our demise to the finish luckier still we never made it there. Winter 2020 CLEAR & SMOKE long sleeves both available now online and instore alongside the rest of the collection.