Another greatest category we touch on this season and will continue to bellyflop into for years and decades to come is our beloved black women. They hold the key to the future the past and the present. Wanna know how we got here?? We got here by admiring trusting and listening to black women. They surrounded us with love and care and helped us open our boutique - they purchased from us before we had neck tags or woven labels or anything other than a vision. They taught us love starts in many different ways and how they taught us how to play the game properly. They also taught us how to focus and stay attentive. They show us time and time again through effort and action that we can achieve anything. They show beauty comes in so many different variations and that keeping an open mind is the best place to start. We collected just a few of our favorites for this piece but the options are possibly endless. Polaroid T-shirts and hoodies are available now with the rest of our Winter 2020 drop online and instore. Shop open Mon-Sat 11AM-7PM PST.