EVENT: SweetPenez Zine Release x Ian Ostrowski & Zayn Olson

Ghoulavelii was in the shop a little over a month ago hanging out for a second and in the middle of whatever conversation we were having he took a minute to mention that Zayn had asked him to see what was good with having his SweetPenez zine do a release night here at Club907. Naturally we were all for it, especially when he mentioned Ian Ostrowski being involved - I'm interested in watching his progression. He's a kid who gets after it, 19 with the vision and an eye for candid photography. 

The night started around 830 and had a nice flow to the turnout. It wasn't a packed house but it wasn't empty, one, it was too hot in the Club907 wood floor oven for all that, two, Zayn and Ian are not from Tacoma so their crowd are travelers whom may not have a car or license, lastly there wasn't enough promotion in my personal opinion. It ended up being a kickback of a like-minded youth hanging to the sounds of Aramis (who played a fye set per usual) and it was chill. All these factors mean little, all the real meaning from the evening is that they came out and did it. They connected the dots with their friends and made sure the night came to fruition. That behavior and ambition is what we are always ready to support - getting things off the ground. So we are hoping for more from Ian and Zayn in the future. You can contact @SweetPenez for a $5 zine.