Black Owned: The Groovy Tapes Podcast

A podcast that doesn’t have a celebrity attached is all about the content, then it’s about the personality facilitating the content and the right amount of both is where we have seen podcasts shine. In our region there are few that have participated in narrating the identity of the PNW and interviewing the people working everyday to achieve their dreams but also spark the spotlight each region needs to capture national attention.

Groovy Tapes is a Black owned, doing the work other podcast from our inner cities haven’t been able to accomplish. It’s important to note that while it is Black owned (Corey, the super tall one), Tavares is Sāmoan-American and Solana is Guatemalan. It’s done with genuine intentions and they have been transparent from their first episode. The podcast and its podders grew up in Soufend Seattle proper where the podcast is operations are currently located. The Groovy Tapes are really a rabbit hole that we fell down just as they were finding themselves and recalibrating the show format. It was the B. Haze episode that did it; Basics Company’s owner is someone we follow closely. He’s the other authentic rarewear company from our scene. He’s one of them ones. So obliviously the content was appealing, then I watched the episode and immediately the chemistry between the Groovy Tapes crew members pulled me in. Tavares Corey and Solana + extended member Kcoyi are a family and it ain’t hard to tell. 

I spent the next two weeks watching the other 25 episodes that brought them to the Haze episode. Minus the Mukbangs. I was hooked and I’ve been hooked ever since and the Groovy Crew continues to prove me right by providing compelling stories every time, giving each guest their flowers and exalting their talents and status. Now every week they give you amazing content, Groovy Fridays mean the most, they have a great weed sponsor in Tranquil Forest and they are introducing us to the faces of right now and the future specifically in the creative realm from our region. It’s some real self-love happening and it’s important to see. 

Here are my top 5 favorite episodes, right now, newest to oldest: