This Club907 is collection is the first of a long series. Club907 was organically developed and stamped through company culture - it's a collection that pays homage to references we personally hold near and dear and camaraderie within shared shared interests. Not jus Bond himself, but the legend of James Bond his effect on, women, wardrobe and the world influence and it's impressive progression. The collection is comprised of 4 pieces two apparel, one accessory and a lifestyle product.

This collection is meant to be an identifier - it's logo based and bares the question, "What is this 'club' about?"

Club907 are the people that physically come into the shop and hang out. Not just the people that come in for what they saw that guy lurking around the bar at DOA in - we aren't mad at that customer either. But if you've ever sat on the bench, took a photo in the mirror, or the holiday window, made it out to a Many Mondaze, played Mario Kart or N64 anything with us, or watched a movie in the shop you are Club907. It's about meaningful connects not just credit card transactions. I enjoy talking with the people - it's part of the passion for this business networking to keep it working. The point of the collection is to turn that feeling into an accessible badge on honor so in the future when we see it we'll know who to call a 'day one' because this in the PNW and posers never win - but the play hard. 

Catch the collection before it's gone in the online shop or 907 Pacific Ave, Tacoma, WA 98402.


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